How to Create an Offer

How do you create the perfect offer?

If only there was such a thing, right?

There may not be a magical blueprint out there, but there is a super simple tip that can help you right now.

Be specific!

A mistake I made when starting this business - and one I see a lot of other entrepreneurs make - is trying to offer everything they know how to do for everyone out there.

They think by casting a wider net, they'll yield greater results.

But the truth is, you don’t become known as a Jill-of-all-trades (master of none).

It wasn't until I streamlined my offerings and stopped trying to solve the world's problems, that my business started to take off. That meant doing away with my women's conference, my startup bootcamp, various 1:1 offers. While I enjoyed the work itself, offering them all was a recipe for slow growth and inconsistent results.

What sells is offering ONE thing and being super clear and specific about who it’s for and how it benefits them.

Then comes the scary part.

You've got to get out there and give it a try!

Test it out and fail forward.

If you're still trying to figure out your offer,

start by asking yourself...

💜 What is the 1 thing that you are so excited to offer?

💜 Who do you want to help the most?

💜 What is their vision for where they want to be?

💜 How can you guide them to realize that vision?

When you're clear on your offer, other pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place.

If you want to build a business and are stuck on where to start or what to do next… I've got you.

When you work with me, I give you the tools and support you need to start getting clients this month. Yes, even if you aren't even sure what you're offering.

Is my last 1:1 spot for this month yours?

Schedule a call and find out!